Snapcraft versions

Sergio Schvezov sergio.schvezov at
Fri Jan 29 16:23:22 UTC 2016

El 29/01/16 a las 12:33, Pawlikowski, Jerzy escribió:
> Hi,
> As recommended here: 
> I cloned the snapcraft's git repository to play with examples. The
> problem is that they do not work with the version of snapcraft that
> I installed when following the tutorial.
> Could someone point me the version (e.g. git commit) of the
> examples matching version present in the ubuntu package repository
> (1.0)?

You should be certainly fine if you checkout the 1.x branch or as Kyle
mentions, apt install snapcraft-examples

We tag releases as well so checking out from a tag should take you
exactly where you want


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