Improving available entropy

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Fri Feb 12 14:42:31 UTC 2016


Simon Eisenmann [2016-02-08 13:21 +0100]:
> Yes it would be good to have rngd running from the initrd. Though as it
> is a daemon, does it then need to be restarted when rootfs takes over?

It's recommended to stop/restart after pivoting, yes. Things started
from the initrd link to the libraries (like libc6) in the initrd, thus
you keep duplicate libraries in memory (libc from initrd and libc from
the real OS.

Depending on what the program does it might have more fds open to
files which will go away when pivoting into the real root. This
potentially leads to not being able to unmount/free the initrd.  This
should be okay for a program like rngd which only reads from /sys or
ioctls and writes into /dev, as these are indeed transitioned over
from the initrd. But you need to verify that it indeed does not have
anything else open.


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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