Improving available entropy

Simon Eisenmann simon at
Mon Feb 8 08:41:31 UTC 2016


Am 06.02.2016 um 02:09 schrieb Seth Arnold:
> On Fri, Feb 05, 2016 at 06:39:40PM -0600, Tyler Hicks wrote:
>>  2) We need to make rng-tools available. Would it be preferred that
>>     rng-tools is seeded in core or should it be a snap that gadget
>>     snaps, for devices that have a hwrng, can declare as a preinstall
>>     dependency?
> I think including rng-tools everywhere is a good idea: for only 80KB or so
> of storage space the value it gives is fantastic. I'd rather it be
> included everywhere and set up by default to the extent we can.

It does not help to include rng-tools and then start it eventually. It
is important that the boot process blocks until a certain amount of
entropy bits has become available as during first boot persistent keys
are generated (essentially without entropy).

I think boot / all initialization of snaps and system wide services
should block until at least 1024 bits of entropy are available for the
first time.



Simon Eisenmann

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