Several issues - RPI2

Patrick Boettcher patrick.boettcher at
Sun Apr 17 07:41:21 UTC 2016

Hi list,

I'm playing around with a RPI2 which runs:

  Name                Version                          Developer
  canonical-pi2       3.2                              canonical
  canonical-pi2-linux 4.4.0-1004-raspi2+20160410.15-31 canonical
  hello-world         5.0                              canonical
  nmap                7.01SVN-0.8                      joetalbott
  ubuntu-core         16.04+20160415.05-15             canonical

I snapped with 'snap install' hello-world and nmap and tried to install



bails out with

  seccomp_load failed with -22
  aborting. errmsg: Invalid argument

in syslog I read

Apr 17 07:35:41 localhost /usr/lib/snappy/snapd[1082]: daemon.go:147: DEBUG: uid=0;@ GET /v2/snaps?sources=local  42.592437ms 200
Apr 17 07:35:41 localhost snap[1304]: main.go:151: DEBUG: cannot parse arguments: [snap list]: <nil>
Apr 17 07:37:15 localhost rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 11' suspended, next retry is Sun Apr 17 07:38:15 2016 [v8.16.0 try ]

Similar behavior when running nmap.

What's going on? Seems things are not up to date regarding the latest
snappy release?

best regards,

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