Raspberry PI 2 - currently misbehaving?

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Sat Apr 16 22:12:38 UTC 2016

On Sa, 2016-04-16 at 23:34 +0200, Patrick Boettcher wrote:
> I'm seeing two problems (one is a show stopper):
> 1) There is no output on the UART (it was with the image I used
> before). I had to connect via ssh.
sorry, that is fallout of us trying to have a unified uboot for the
rpi2 and rpi3 in the same gadget ... while everything else works fine
on both devices, the UART seems to get wrongly initialised on the pi2
with this uboot binary ... 
we will most likely end up with two separate gadget snaps due to this
when we release ... sorry for the inconvenience, it will get fixed ...

> 2) Secondly, well, I don't have snappy installed - :-( :
it was renamed to "snap" :)

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