Raspberry PI 2 - currently misbehaving?

Patrick Boettcher patrick.boettcher at posteo.de
Sat Apr 16 21:34:52 UTC 2016


I succeeded creating an image with 

  sudo ./ubuntu-device-flash -vvv core rolling --channel edge --os \
      ubuntu-core --kernel canonical-pi2-linux  --gadget canonical-pi2 \
      -o test.img

and dd'ing it to my SD-card.

I'm seeing two problems (one is a show stopper):

1) There is no output on the UART (it was with the image I used
before). I had to connect via ssh.

2) Secondly, well, I don't have snappy installed - :-( :

  It's a brave new world here in snappy Ubuntu Core! This machine
  does not use apt-get or deb packages. Please see 'snappy --help'
  for app installation and transactional updates.

  Last login: Sat Apr 16 21:26:29 2016 from
  ubuntu at localhost:~$ snappy --help
  -bash: snappy: command not found
  ubuntu at localhost:~$ sudo snappy --help
  sudo: snappy: command not found
  ubuntu at localhost:~$ 

What did I do wrong?


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