snappy source files

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Tue Apr 12 15:39:58 UTC 2016

Am Dienstag, den 12.04.2016, 21:59 +0800 schrieb 焦冶:
> Dear all,
> I have a similar question. I want to flash Snappy Ubuntu to my Beaglebone's internal eMMC, but the uboot in the bbb image seems hard coded where to search for uboot.env file to mmc 0. I want to know where to find the modified source of uboot for Snappy Ubuntu but I found nothing on the Internet. Anyone has a clue?

that hardcoded path is a hard requirement, you can not change it without
breaking snappy itself (the rollback code uses fw_setenv which requires
fixed values to change the bootloader variables inside the environment
blob file)

we use the upstream tree with a few config changes like in

the rest of the source for the gadget snaps can be found at [1]


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