What a milestone!

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo.niemeyer at canonical.com
Fri Apr 8 23:26:02 UTC 2016

We're not quite there yet, as there are still important details to be
polished next week before we bless the upcoming release, but nevertheless I
need to take a step back right now and send my sincere Thank You to the
development team and close contributors, specially to Michael Vogt, Samuele
Pedronis, and Zygmunt Krynicki, for the extremely intense work and care
being put into the project in the last few days. And also to Martin
Albisetti and his team, which worked hard to ensure the proper server-side
features were in place in time for the planned release.

This week alone we have landed 115 *branches* into the project, including
deep and fundamental changes that were coming for a while and that move
Snappy much closer to what we've wanted it to be for a long time. Revision
support, a completely redesigned security system based on interfaces, new
install/remove/update mechanisms that build on a state changing framework
that can deal with restarts, crashes, and undoing of changes attempted when
necessary, a polished filesystem layout, the complete obsolescence of the
old "snappy" command in favor of the new API-based "snap" one, and so much
more. And this is not just features being added. The whole code is becoming
significantly cleaner, simpler, safer, and more flexible as we've done
those changes.

Next week we'll still some important changes, but of lesser impact, and
we'll also focus on stabilization so we can cut a release out. After the
release is out, we'll change our mode of operation to release features
every few weeks without breaking compatibility.

So, once more, thank you, and I'm sorry for the churn that this may have
caused for those watching and trying to just use it, as we're going through
turbulent times as the code is shifted to the new, but the impending
release isn't just a feature milestone. This release will be the foundation
for a superb platform we'll build on.

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