Snappy capabilities, in baby steps

Ted Gould ted at
Fri Nov 13 16:47:05 UTC 2015

Uhm, okay. Typically I prefer to map the landscape first, but okay.
So from Zygumnt's thread it sounds like there's going to be a tag cloud
attached to each snap. I'm guessing that this is going to include
kernel, gadget and framework snaps. They'll export which tags they
support. Will the tags be centrally defined or are we hoping for some
sort of emergent behavior here? How will we handle conflicting tags?
For the cases where versioning is important, how will that be handled.
For instance being able to support OpenGL could mean standard GL of
various versions or GLes of various versions. For games which versions
the HW can support can be very important.
There was a mention of passing metadata, which way will the metadata
transfer occur? Both? What is the lifecycle and policy for handing that
passing of metadata? Does it require a particular format or is that to
be decided by the framework and/or application involved in the
I hope that'll start the conversation some.
On Fri, 2015-11-13 at 14:24 -0200, Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:
> Hi Ted,
> We don't have a complete spec for how the feature will look like at
> this time.  We have been talking about capabilities for quite a
> while, though, and we have a long term vision which is quite rich.
> Rather than asking Zygmunt to come up with a complete plan for that
> long term vision, which would require significant back and forth that
> we don't have the bandwidth for today, we decided to unblock the
> development of that feature by focusing on the obvious common
> denominator for that long term vision. Zygumnt's top post in this
> thread describes the high-level ideas in that initial common
> denominator.
> We'd be happy to talk more if you have specific questions.
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Ted Gould <ted at> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2015-11-09 at 21:29 +0100, Zygmunt Krynicki wrote:
> > > You can find my first merge requests over at [1] and [2].
> > > Tomorrow I
> > > will focus on integrating with the REST API and the snappy
> > > command
> > > line tool.
> > Do you plan on publishing a spec or an overview document for this?
> > I'm not as concerned with the implementation in Go as much as how
> > it works in the system overall.
> > 
> > Ted
> > 
> > --
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