Ubuntu Core Snappy ported to OMAP4-PANDA board

Ash Charles ashcharles at gmail.com
Mon May 11 17:03:43 UTC 2015

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 5:30 AM, Pranav Wangikar
<pranav_wangikar at persistent.com> wrote:

Hi Pranav,

I tried out your device-part blob and also see no 'MLO' and
'u-boot.img' present in the system-boot directory.  I suspect (though
wasn't able to confirm) that the device-part tarball gets expanded in
the system-boot partition and overwrites content from the OEM snap.
Perhaps we could include some of the Panda-specific stuff you've
captured in the device-part tarball in the OEM snap?  What custom
components do we need beyond MLO and u-boot?


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