Introduction and path finding

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Mon May 4 07:20:29 UTC 2015


On 03.05.2015 16:19, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
> On 28/04/15 12:47, Loïc Minier wrote:
>> thanks for the high level comments; you might have noticed that with the
>> 15.04 release there was a considerable amount of efforts in updating all
>> the tools and documentation (thanks a ton to Daniel, Davids, and others on
>> this one!) so that everything works together.
> Nick, would you be willing to run through the docs with fresh eyes
> around 15.04's release? Let us know where the rough spots are. Thanks!

Nick already helped with the proof-reading of the docs. Thanks again for
your help, Nick! :-)

> Is there a good way to give folks access to a collaborative editor for
> the docs?

Right now we can only give folks access to the real site. The best way
to report issues or suggest different wording is

Have a great day,

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