Some more Snappy Gumstix (and Panda and Beagleboard)

Ash Charles ashcharles at
Fri May 1 16:25:02 UTC 2015

Hi Loïc,

I'm able to boot from both partitions by manually changing snappy_ab.
I expected to be able to test either with a 'snappy upgrade
ubuntu-core' (exits upgrades currently available?) or a
'snappy rollback ubuntu-core' (both partitions are initialized to the
same version-->"More than one ubuntu-core with version 2"?).

I haven't seen any uImage vz zImage issues (perhaps this is the issue
on beagle though?).  I did use the latest release of u-boot (15.04) as
the RAW_INITRD wasn't working for me on 14.10.


On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 2:35 AM, Loïc Minier <loic.minier at> wrote:
> Awesome! did you get "snappy update" working? also, did you run into any
> issue with uImage vs zImage formats?
> On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 3:43 AM, Ash Charles <ashcharles at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> To follow up on the image I posted last week for the Gumstix Overo
>> [1], I posted a few more images as well as the build repository which
>> documents how these images are built [2].  There are builds for
>> Gumstix Overo (OMAP3), Gumstix DuoVero (OMAP4), Gumstix Pepper
>> (AM335x) as well as (at asac's suggestion) builds for Pandaboard and
>> Beagleboard as they are pretty similar.  At the moment, my Beagle XM
>> rev.C seems to get stuck on boot so if any Beagle experts have
>> hints...
>> Feedback, new platforms, and suggestions welcome---this is all rather
>> experimental and a chance for me to learn something about snappy.
>> --Ash
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> --
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