ANN: Ubuntu Core alpha-03 released!

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at
Wed Mar 4 22:04:08 UTC 2015

Hello Snappy World,

Now that the world starts talking about snappy growing legs [1], we thought
it was time to put out another milestone that gives you latest snappiness on
our bare metal platforms.  This time we provide not only a prebuilt
beaglebone black image, but also one that you can put right on your USB key
and boot on your amd64 laptop or server or switch :).

This release was a lot about cleaning up and putting the big pieces in place
that will fuel the first release we plan to put out in April .  There's
still a lot to do, but what is done is already done so please start using it
and give us feedback so snappy ubuntu core 15.04 will be as close to your
needs as possible.

What's hot?

  1. prebuilt images for armhf beaglebone and amd64 generic with webdm
     preinstalled available for download

  2. snappy config preview landed; please refer to our examples [2] and
     documentation [3] to learn how you can use this feature to give users a
     way to change the behaviour of your install

  3. oem snap now supports selecting the dtbs shipped in the device tarball;
     this should allow you to make a fully supported build for boards
     already supported upstream by simply putting your dtb into the oem

  4. our snappy golang rewrite is almost to ready to become the new default,
     but only almost; we have it included as a preview, so if you want to
     see how blazingly fast things can be on your beaglebone, give snappy-go
     a try [4]

  5. alongside our beautiful new snappy-go preview, we are happy to also
     make available a preview of autopilot mode, which will ensure that all
     your snappy systems will automatically stay up to date without
     attendance.  It is disabled by default as we are growing features and
     stability on this one, but if you want, give it an early try and enable
     it on your machine [5]

What's coming soon?

   1. land and iterate on hw access management, to unblock those that want
      to make their device management apps work with confinement

   2. land disaster recovery support for grub, currently only available in

   3. invest in tooling that makes it easier to reproduce the enablement

   4. upgrade to latest 3.19 kernel and clean up our device part in the

How to install this release

To install snappy Ubuntu Core on your bare metal amd64 system or on
beaglebone black follow instructions on

Things to remember

If you run a beaglebone image, please install this alpha milestone from
scratch.  A bug in the alpha-02 upgrader prevents a smooth upgrade; rather
than investing in upgrade workarounds at this stage of development we are
focused on bringing you the best in new features with each new version. 

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