Use unallocated spaces on 8GB memory

Mohammad Moradi mohammads_32 at
Fri Jun 19 13:52:36 UTC 2015

HelloI have a 8GB uSD card and when I copy snappy img to the sd card, the last 3.7GB of the memory will be unallocated.I want to know, is it possible to allocate that free space to the "system-boot" partition?I moved last three partitions of snappy and resized the system-boot, but snappy doesn't work properly!
I'm using "system-boot" partition as my phone external storage too.It's not possible to create a new partition in the last unallocated partition, because my phone detects the first partition and it must be fat!!!(like windows)
Do you know any way I use my memory unused space?Oh, I forgot, I'm using Beaglebone Black rev C.

Thank you
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