Snappy RPi2 stable image #3 now available

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Thu Jun 18 16:58:55 UTC 2015


Am Donnerstag, den 18.06.2015, 10:44 -0600 schrieb Leo Arias:
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 5:51 AM, Ricardo Salveti de Araujo
> <ricardo.salveti at> wrote:
>         As the kernel snap is not available via the official channels
>         (because
>         what I described above), we can't enable updates without
>         causing
>         possible issues at the image side. But, you can still use the
>         pre-built images and install/update the snaps that are
>         available in
>         the store (and use it for snappy related development).
> Do we have a way to update ubuntu-core from a version we build? Or we
> will have to overwrite the full sdcard if we want a newer version?
sadly the latter currently ...


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