Updated Raspeberry Pi2 image ready for some wider testing

Niklas Wenzel nikwen.developer at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 09:23:11 UTC 2015

Great, thanks. :)

Am Dienstag, 9. Juni 2015 11:15:14 CEST schrieb Oliver Grawert:
> hi,
> Am Montag, den 08.06.2015, 23:08 +0200 schrieb Niklas Wenzel:
>> Ok, I went ahead and installed your image on my Raspberry Pi 2 but I
>> struggle with getting wifi to work. I created the following
>> configuration file (it's a hidden network), but my USB wifi dongle
>> does not show up in the ifconfig output.
>> (RaspberryPi2)ubuntu at localhost:/etc/network/interfaces.d$ cat wlan0 
>> allow-hotplug wlan0
>> auto wlan0
>> iface wlan0 inet dhcp
>> wpa-ap-scan 1
>> wpa-scan-ssid 1
>> wpa-ssid "MY-SSID"
>> wpa-psk "MY-PSK"
>> (RaspberryPi2)ubuntu at localhost:/etc/network/interfaces.d$ ifconfig
>> wlan0 up
>> wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
>> Are you able to get wifi working? I had it working with lool's image
>> (rev 11) so it might also be that I forgot some configuration changes.
> there is an issue with module loading, i'm working on it ... for the
> time being to get your image to work:
> sudo mount -o remount,rw /
> sudo depmod -a
> sudo mount -o remount,ro /
> sudo reboot
> after this at least the modules should all load as expected ... 
> ciao
> 	oli

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