Ubuntu Global Jam ideas?

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at canonical.com
Fri Jan 23 13:18:17 UTC 2015

Hello everybody,

6-8 February 2015 the worldwide Ubuntu Community is going to host
another Ubuntu Global Jam. What's going to happen is that local
community teams around the world are going to come together locally to
learn from each other and make Ubuntu better. Traditionally this has
been testing, bug fixing, translating, documenting, teaching, etc etc.

Do any of you have ideas which ideas we could give these teams to play
around with snappy?

 - Do you need help with any testing?
 - Do you need help with fixing bugs?
 - Do we have some presentation material we could give the teams?
 - Do we have a shopping list of apps we want snappified?
 - Anything else?

Some members of these teams might be very technical, others less so, in
any case it will be a great opportunity for teams to familiarise
themselves with the idea and concepts of snappy. Especially with not
necessarily having to have a device (but running everything in a VM),
folks should be able to play around a bit.

Let me know if you have any ideas or plans and I can spread the
information and/or get you in touch with teams.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Have a great day,

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