BeagleBone Black images keep getting corrupted

Winston Smith smith.winston.101 at
Wed Apr 29 15:18:29 UTC 2015

On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 5:30 AM, Víctor Mayoral Vilches <
victor at> wrote:

> However in our images (we change the kernel to provide support for capemgr
> kernel module) we are unable to get the "sync".

The capemgr detection via eeprom and being able to apply a dtbo dynamically
are quite nice, but I gave up being stuck on those 3.8 custom kernels ...
now I build my own system dtb and use it with the stock (e.g modern) BBB

Paolo Pisati did a great writeup of how to build a custom dts for snappy a
few months ago:

See also:

It would be nice if there was a more automated way to do this with snappy.
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