Limited RAM on Raspberry Pi 2 with the image by lool

Philipp Lorenz p.lorenz at
Tue Apr 28 09:18:26 UTC 2015


I used Paolo's kernel and built my own image using ubuntu-device-flash 
(see this email for reference: ).


Am 28.04.2015 um 10:48 schrieb Loïc Minier:
> Hey
> thanks for flagging this; which image did you use to solve this issue? 
> I'm using Paolo's kernel in my OEM snap.
> Thanks,
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:05 AM, Philipp Lorenz 
> <p.lorenz at <mailto:p.lorenz at>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I'm running the latest Snappy Ubuntu image from "lool" on my
>     Raspberry Pi 2 (from this site:
>     <> ) and it
>     seems that the RAM is limited to a very low amount:
>     (RaspberryPi2)ubuntu at localhost:/boot/uboot$ cat /proc/meminfo |
>     grep MemTotal
>     MemTotal:         119508 kB
>     So it's actually 116 MB, but there should be almost 1 GB of
>     available RAM. I assume that it's a problem with the GPU memory
>     split. Since there's no config.txt in the boot folder, I tried
>     modifying the "snappy_cmdline" parameter in the file
>     "snappy_system.txt" to set gpu_mem=128, but it seems that nothing
>     that I put in there changes anything.
>     So, can anyone help me increasing the available amount of RAM please?
>     Thanks in advance!
>     Philipp
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