ubuntu-device-flash fails with "more partitions then expected while creating loop mapping"

Winston Smith smith.winston.101 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 25 19:29:04 UTC 2015

Trying to build a custom images for the Beaglebone Black using the "Snappy
for Devices porting guide".  However, ubuntu-device-flash fails as follows:

$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core 15.04 -o my-snappy.img --size 2 --channel
stable --oem beagleblack --enable-ssh --device-part=./device.tar.xz
Determining oem configuration
Starting download of beagleblack
280.74 KB / 280.74 KB [==================================] 100.00 % 433.44
Fetching information from server...
Downloading and setting up...
issue while mapping partitions: more partitions then expected while
creating loop mapping

Host system is Ubuntu 14.04 x64, all software up to date.  I did try
purging the cache.

Any ideas?


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