Bare metal and as a VM host

Jamie Strandboge jamie at
Thu Dec 18 18:39:56 UTC 2014

On 12/18/2014 12:25 PM, Wayne Sherman wrote:

> 2) I require a single lightweight core OS that can host both docker
> apps and virtual machines.  That way a single server can be used with
> the most suitable technology depending on the application.  Snappy
> already has a docker framework.  Are there any plans for a VM hosting
> framework (KVM/QEMU preferred) ?
I'm not sure what the plans are, but can say that a libvirt framework does not
seem unreasonable. libvirt already has strong apparmor integration so VMs would
have proper isolation and the host would also be protected. That said, libvirt
is quite flexible and allows for attaching physical devices and specifying file
paths for disks, etc to be anywhere, which would not fit well within the snappy
system as is. libvirt would likely need to be modified to properly mediate these
host accesses in a snappy-compliant manner.

Jamie Strandboge       

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