Made a Vagrant Box based on KVM img, easier now for Windows and Mac

Marvin Reimer therealmarv at
Wed Dec 10 20:45:54 UTC 2014

It was fun to create a new vagrant box for ubuntu core (actually this
was my first one I've created).

I've tested Ross' Vagrant and it seems more polished than mine which
is lacking VirtualBox Guest Extensions and a mount of local directory
to /vagrant.

I think the best would be if you use your existing Vagrant Boxes for
normal Ubuntu as template for creating
the Ubuntu Core one.

The most important for me as developer is to have VirtualBox Guest
Extensions and to map the local directory to somewhere like /vagrant
so that I can easily edit my dev files on my host with my editor of
choice and try them out immediately in my guest VM.

And do not wait to long... the main reason for me for creating a
vagrant box is that I use a mac as desktop and something like KVM is a
too big barrier for Mac and Windows users which still use Ubuntu for
the dev and production stuff ;)


2014-12-10 21:20 GMT+01:00 Dustin Kirkland <kirkland at>:
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Ross Duggan <ross.duggan at> wrote:
>> Just beat me to it :)
>> I've created a box that supports shares via Guest Additions (a little bit
>> arduously by installing all required dependencies manually using dpkg). Uses
>> the standard vagrant/vagrant user also.
>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Marvin Reimer <therealmarv at>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've created a Vagrant VM box based on the KVM image which is more easy to
>>> use on Windows and Mac:
>>> All source code and how to use that VM is here. It is is basically a one
>>> liner "vagrant init therealmarv/ubuntu-core"
>>> It is really great for a quick try out of snappy on a Mac and Windows and
>>> easier than KVM.
>>> My knowledge of integrating Virtualbox Guest Additions on a Ubuntu Core is
>>> too limited. I hope that you will support Vagrant Boxes of Ubuntu Core like
>>> this one:
>>> Cheers,
>>> Marvin Reimer
>>> (sorry for sending this to app-devel list before)
> Hey guys, thanks for that!  The interest in Vagrant image is perhaps
> something that slipped past our radar as we prepped for the initial
> Snappy announcement.  In retrospect, this is a fantastic idea.
> I have CC'd Ben Howard, who is responsible for the tooling and
> automation around building and publishing these images.
> Ben, could you have a look at this from Marvin and Ross, and integrate
> it into our Snappy image build/publish processes?
> Thanks!
> Dustin

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