Options for using snappy packages (eg. snappy-lite)

Paul Schulz paul at mawsonlakes.org
Wed Dec 10 02:45:46 UTC 2014


I was wondering if any thought had been given to developing a way of
running snappy packages on a standard Ubuntu installation, without the
KVM/Ubuntu Core layer?

eg. snappy-lite

Uses similar commands as snappy where applicable, but runs commands
directly from the snappy locations on Ubuntu.

This would mean that I can run my application locally first (via
snappy-lite) before worrying about building packages.
eg. Make use of the snappy directory structure (with 'current' etc.)
        - /apps/<package>
        - /var/apps/<package>
        - /home/<user>/apps/<package>

I used to use the 'epkg' (encap package format) to do something like this..

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