78 mount points on armhf image

Mike Carifio mike at carif.io
Wed Mar 9 16:30:55 UTC 2016

I might be sending this email to wrong list. Won't be the first time. 
Sorry if so.

Using these ubuntu section of these directions 
https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/raspberry-pi-2/ and this 
image https://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/rpi2-all-snap.img.xz,
I was able to install snappy on an rpi 2 model b. Other than some 
fumbling around with sdcards, getting the display to show hdmi, etc, 
this was easy enough for even me. Thank you.

Some follow on questions:

* mount | wc -l shows 78 (!) mount points. Yikes. Why? Guess I'll need 
to brush up on partition mounting.

* Unless I'm confused, it looks like /dev/mmcblk0p2 is mounted multiple 

* Is there a rpi 3 model b image? As I understand it, 3 is armhf but 64 
bits, so rpi2-all-snap won't work (although I did try).

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