how to make a snap of usbutils (i.e. lsusb)

Chad Young chadbyoung at
Thu Mar 3 14:31:46 UTC 2016


I want to add the functionality of lsusb and\or lspci to snappy as its not
installed in snappy natively. With that in mind, I am trying to build a
snap that will install the deb package (and dependences) into the system so
that I can run them from the command line

I think I would use "build packages" with snapcraft but I keep getting a
"parts" error, btw I have not defined a "parts" section because I have no
clue how to do that when all I want are packages. I also read about using
"stage-packages" but that makes even less sense to me given that I still
have to have a "parts" section.

Any help would be appreciated

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