questions about the /app/bin and while loading shared libraries
Rick Spencer
rick.spencer at
Wed Jan 13 15:28:22 UTC 2016
Hi Mike,
I'm not 100% what you are trying to do, so this may be way off base.
However, it seems to me that if you are using a stage package, then
snapcraft will install sqlite and all its dependencies in expected places,
so you shouldn't have to copy the file around. You just need to include a
bash file that knows where sqlite lives.
I wrote a snap that might do something similar to what you are trying to
do. Maybe my snapcraft file will help?
This sets up frotz and some data and then provides some shell scripts so
that commands work from the command line as expected.
Also, I typically run "$snapcraft clean" before I run "$snapcraft" to
ensure that old dirs and etc... get cleaned out. It takes a bit longer this
way, but it means there is less for me track mentally.
Cheers, Rick
On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 1:13 AM, Mike Guo <hongweig at> wrote:
> I tried to
> (amd64)ubuntu at mike-snappy:~$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> no value there.
> is there anyone can share with me how to snappy looking for the share
> library in it?
> thanks
> Mike
> 在 2016年1月13日,下午2:10,Mike Guo <hongweig at> 写道:
> Hi, All.
> I tried to build a testing snap app by snap craft.
> I got what’s the stage-packages means now, it will use those packages
> which in our ubuntu store.
> so, I plan to do a simple one:
> here’s my snapcraft.yml
> *name**:* sqlite
> *version**:* *0.1*
> *vendor**:* Mike Guo<hongweig at>
> *summary**:* learning for snappy package
> *description**:*
> the first snappy I create by deb packge which already eixts
> *icon**:* icon.png
> *parts**:*
> *sqlite**:*
> *plugin**:* nil
> *stage-packages**:*
> *- *sqlite
> *glue**:*
> *plugin**:* copy
> *files**:*
> *snap/usr/bin/sqlite**:* bin/sqlite
> some explain about why I put the plugin copy there.
> because I found when I used this file, snappy always didn’t copy the
> sqlite into /apps/bin/, and in the current path, /apps/bin was include it.
> but other doesn’t. I have to use copy plugin in this file.
> weird thing is: I found I don’t need that copy plugin , I just need put
> the a section into snap/meta/package.yml
> like this:
> *architectures**:*
> *- *amd64
> *icon**:* meta/icon.png
> *name**:* sqlite
> *vendor**:* Mike Guo<hongweig at>
> *version**:* *0.1*
> *binaries**:*
> *- **name**:* /usr/bin/sqlite
> and run snappy build . in snap folder. it will be generate the right
> binary file to /apps/bin
> and another thing is:
> when I try to run sqlite.sqlite(which is my app).
> it told me :
> amd64)ubuntu at mike-snappy:~$ sqlite.sqlite
> /apps/sqlite.sideload/IKHGTNePOOGB/usr/bin/sqlite: error while loading
> shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such
> file or directory
> but the truth is :all thing is in my apps:
> amd64)ubuntu at mike-snappy:~$ ls /apps/sqlite.sideload/current/usr/lib/
> **
> is there anyone can help me about t his?
> thanks so much
> Mike
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