A noob trying to make an etherpad-lite snap with lots of questions

Winael vinzjobard at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 16 15:25:53 UTC 2016


Thx for your answer

On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 4:00 PM Sergio Schvezov <
sergio.schvezov at canonical.com> wrote:

> El martes, 16 de febrero de 2016 06h'19:08 PST, Mark Shuttleworth
> <mark at ubuntu.com> escribió:
> > Hi Winael
> Hello Winael
> > Thanks for trying snappy, let me put you in touch with Sergio who is
> > best placed to answer your questions.
> Thanks for bringing this email to my attention.I'll follow upon the mailing
> list.
> > Did you share your snapcraft.yaml so we can reproduce your issues?
> This indeed would be great to understand how you are trying to do what you
> want to do:-)

Well it's not really an issue. I'm learning, trying to understand an to do
the thing, so, that's why I have questions. I'm a very beginner, and trying
to move step by step, and writing all the reflexion for a future blogpost,
as "Snappy for Dummies" kind of thing.

So for now my snapcraft.yaml looks like :

name: etherpad-lite-unofficial # the name of the snap
version: 0.1 # the version of the snap
# The vendor for the snap (replace 'Vendor <email at example.com>')
vendor: Winael <vinzjobard at ubuntu.com>

summary: Etherpad-lite, eally-real time collaborative editor # 79 char long
description: Etherpad is a really-real time collaborative editor maintained
by the Etherpad Community # A longer description for the snap
icon: icon.png # A path to an icon for the package

    plugin: nodejs
    source: git://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite
    source-subdir: src
      - gzip
      - git
      - curl
      - python
      - libssl-dev
      - pkg-config
      - build-essential

In the draft on my blogpost, that I share on my github :
I explain that the script InstallDeps.sh (
check if dependancies are satisfied, with this kind of code

#Is curl installed?
hash curl > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
  echo "Please install curl" >&2
  exit 1

So I'm wondering, in the case of snappy how the check is done, if it
necessary to have this check or if I have to rewrite a script to replace
this one (I understantood that "glue" allow to overload some file, correct
me if I'm wrong)

I didn't really understood how filesets work. If I understand well, I'll
have to create a filesets for the file I need to snap ?

So that's it, just question from a "student" who just want to learn :) More
I more I will understand, and more I more I'll be able to do things by my
own, and other goal than my blogposts, I'll be able to lead workshops
around Snappy

Thx a lot


> --
> Enviado con Dekko desde mi dispositivo Ubuntu
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