
Oliver Grawert ogra at
Mon Feb 15 11:57:16 UTC 2016

Am Montag, den 15.02.2016, 14:34 +0700 schrieb Hunly Chheng:
> Hi,
> I am trying use Snapcraft 2.2 to pack Shellinabox that is a web based
> terminal that uses ajax technology to provide the look and feel of a
> native shell. I can not login to my host using browser. I used
> scanlogs to configure out and I got some result
> about Apparmor as image attached below. 
> Please give me some ideas about this log result.
a snap can only operate inside its specific filesystem space and can
only execute a minimal amount of system commands, you could ship an ssh
client and have your terminal backend execute "ssh ubuntu at localhost" or
you could ship a busybox inside your snap that the terminal uses as
minimal shell (but you would be limited to the apps workdir with that).

i doubt you can just make your terminal connect top the system directly
without disabling all security (which will block you from uploading the
snap to the store)


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