Replacing Postinst Scripts

robert_joslyn at robert_joslyn at
Thu Nov 19 17:01:27 UTC 2015

> I'm not sure what you're using extra users for, but generally speaking 
> individual snap confinement makes using users for privilege separation 
> needed in most cases. I don't believe that we have a permission to allow 
> snap to create users today, so it would have to be unconfined.

My present use case is simply applications that refuse to run as root, 
such as Postgres. I'm not a Postgres expert, but there doesn't appear to 
be an easy way to run it as root. Other than this, it seems like there is 
still a place for normal users and groups to provide privilege separation 
within a single snap. If my snap contains a database, web server, and 
other helper utilities, I may still want to maintain some separation of 
those components.

Robert Joslyn
Software Engineer, R&D - Automation
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
509-332-1890 ext. 3214

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