Trying to port Etherpad-lite to snappy

Alexander Sack asac at
Mon Nov 16 08:15:08 UTC 2015

On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 8:46 PM, Winael <vinzjobard at> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I'm very new to snappy and I would like to port some uselful apps I used
> online such etherpad-lite.
> A I understand Etherpad lite is a node js application, so I tried to use
> nodesnapper on my i368 netbook
> But I have this message
> chroot: failed to run command 'mount': Exec format error
> Is this something related to that I tried to mount an fs that is not made
> for my architecture ? How I can solve this issue ?

Are you trying to build for armhf? If so, try to apt-get install
qemu-user-static which should bring you the needed armhf emulation and
binfmt magic...

 - Alexander

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