wireless and python

Christian Grippo cpgrippo at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 05:19:01 UTC 2015

Hi All,

I just installed snappy in beaglebone rev c, but now I can't solve the
following issues....specially installing the wireless..... any help would
be appreciated....

1) How do you install python

sudo snappy install python-pip python-setuptools python-smbus

Installing python-pip

python-pip failed to install: snappy package not found

snappy doesn't seem to have anything that I normally could get with sudo
apt-get install

2) How do I set up wireless? I couldn't find any instructions for snappy in

I pluged in a USB Wifi Adapter UWN200
<http://www.logicsupply.com/uwn200/> (with
4" Antenna)

but no light, nothing ..... it does work with another beaglebone board that
has angstrom.... But with snappy nothing.....

I follow this instrucions:


When I try to do

sudo mkdir -p /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/etc/Wireless’: Read-only file system
Do I have have to do chmod u+w in etc?

 chmod u+x /etc

-bash: /bin/chmod: Input/output error

I really would appreciate your help


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