packaging questions

Ricardo Kirkner ricardo.kirkner at
Mon Aug 10 00:46:45 UTC 2015

Hi, I'm creating a snappy pkg for p910nd[0], and I have almost
everything in a working state, but I still got some issues to figure

1. how can I make it so a config file is placed in the right location
when the pkg is installed ? whatever I put into the source folder gets
written to /apps/<pkg>.sideload/<version>/ but when running snappy
config it expects the file in /var/lib/apps/<pkg>.sideload/<version>/

2. is there an easy way to get the config also exposed via the webdm
ui, so that users can edit it from the webui?

3. the pkg provides a service, but the service will not start properly
unless a printer has been plugged in. Is there a way to restart the
service via the webui? or maybe I need to add some dbus rules so it
restarts when the device is plugged?



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