Reboot And other system calls

muraleon . muraleo at
Wed Aug 5 16:00:42 UTC 2015

For Remote device management, It is required that our app or framework will
have to perform Reboot, Network configuration , System management on the
remote box etc..
In order for this,
1. Should we use Framework or APP ?
2. How do we perform  certain  System calls which needs special  privileges.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 8:41 AM, Mark Shuttleworth <mark at> wrote:

> On 05/08/15 03:19, muraleo at wrote:
> > How can a application perform system reboot programmatically ? Is this
> operations only possible from a framework or an app can also do this?
> >
> > Performing system("reboot") from a framework code fails with operation
> not permitted error code.
> Yes, we'll need to make some sort of "reboot requested" flag, and
> lifecycle around that.
> Out of curiousity, at the app level, what would drive a reboot? I can
> see how a kernel or shared library (from the core) might need a reboot,
> but what app would require a reboot?
> > Also, I need to install  snaps programmatically . Is this possible .
> Should the calling snap needs to have any special privileges or if we can
> add these as  some form of meta info in yaml files
> Your gadget snap should be able to specify required snaps on the device.
> Other snaps can't have dependencies other than frameworks.
> Mark


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