Self-hosting snappy apps

Martin Albisetti martin.albisetti at
Sun Dec 14 12:13:15 UTC 2014

On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Oded Arbel <oded+ubuntu at> wrote:
> If I want to use snappy as a deployment method for my own system (I write
> the app and use snappy to deploy it to my server), is there a way to self
> host my apps so I don't have to upload them to the public Ubuntu app store?

We are working on making the development story a smooth and comfortable one.
Current plan is to support adding your developer private gpg key to
the Snappy image on boot, so you can push self-signed packages in
whatever way you'd like to the image (snappy-remote, your own scripts,

If someone would like to do this on a commercial basis, we will
sometime next year support Canonical-hosted private stores as well.


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