workaround for connect no autoconnect interfaces without login on system

Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Tue Mar 7 16:24:23 UTC 2017

On 07/03/17 07:05, Nicolino Curalli wrote:
> A question for go ahead from my side:
> how can I request the store to add an auto connection statement to the
> snap declaration assertion ?

On this list, just outline:

 * the top-level binary name you think should be claimed
 * why that is unlikely to conflict with other potential snaps

As an example, something like 'etcdctl' is very unlikely to conflict
with anything other than a snap of etcd. And something like 'vi' is very
likely to have a LOT of people thinking hard about how to manage
conflicts. If in doubt, snap.command is still the best way to avoid
conflicts altogether.


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