Classic confinement and core_dynamic_linker

Joseph Rushton Wakeling joseph.wakeling at
Tue Jan 17 22:17:27 UTC 2017

On 17/01/17 22:22, Sergio Schvezov wrote:
> For classic confined snaps to link, they either need to be part of core or staged into your snap. On system libraries are ignored completely to ensure you have a working snap in the end.

Is that a work in progress constraint, or is it the intended long term 
behaviour?  (I'll try it out shortly in any case.)

I ask because currently, if a package is explicitly stated as a build 
dependency, then with `strict` confinement it's automatically included in the 
final snap where necessary.  What makes `classic` confinement unable to 
automatically handle the inclusion of build dependencies in the same way?

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