snapcraft 2.27 has been released

Kyle Fazzari kyle.fazzari at
Fri Feb 24 19:05:31 UTC 2017

On 02/24/2017 10:49 AM, Claudio André wrote:
> 2017-02-17 10:49 GMT-02:00 Sergio Schvezov
> <sergio.schvezov at <mailto:sergio.schvezov at>>:
>     Hello snapcrafters!
>     ## Setting up environment
>     No more wrapper scripts just to setup on environment entry, this is
>     now tied into an app entry in `apps`. Here's a quick example:
>     ```yaml
>     apps:
>         vim:
>             command: bin/vim
>             environment:
>                 VIMRUNTIME: $SNAP/share/vim/vim80
>     ```
> Hi, I tried to append to path (see below). It is not supported. 
> ```yaml
>     environment:
>       PATH: "$SNAP/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin:$PATH" 
> ```
> I'm ok with it. But, in case this is not by design, I'm mailing you guys.

I can verify this. To clarify, this builds and runs fine, but actually
results in the PATH including the string `$PATH` instead of expanding it.

Can a snapd dev comment on this? Is that intended?

Kyle Fazzari (kyrofa)
Software Engineer
Canonical Ltd.
kyle at

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