LDC compiler snap issues on 14.04 (ABI compatibility?)

Joseph Rushton Wakeling joseph.wakeling at webdrake.net
Fri Feb 10 20:45:25 UTC 2017

On 10/02/17 21:41, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
> Running `ldc -v` for verbose output, the precise call that segfaulted was:
> /usr/bin/gcc hello.o -o hello -L/snap/ldc2/3/bin/../lib -lphobos2-ldc
> -ldruntime-ldc -Wl,--gc-sections -lrt -ldl -lpthread -lm -m64
> My suspicion is that that `libphobos2-ldc` and `libdruntime-ldc`, which are
> provided as precompiled static libraries in the snap package, are not ABI
> compatible with 14.04, hence the segfault.

For the avoidance of doubt: none of the other linked libraries are provided in 
the snap itself, only libdruntime-ldc and libphobos2-ldc.

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