Let's kill "sideloading"

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 2 14:59:10 UTC 2016

Am Freitag, den 02.09.2016, 11:37 -0300 schrieb Gustavo Niemeyer:
> Speaking of terminology, it also feels a bit awkward to be talking
> about Android developers as "kids". I know you mean it well, but it's
> derogatory.

well, if i had meant developers i had said that ... with "kids" i was
exactly referring to the persons that blindly grab some binary android
image that someone they do not know provides on the xda forums ;) 
(which is the bigger majority i guess)

admittedly "kids" was a bit harsh, i apologize to anyone who feels
offended by this ... 

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