Announce: LXD available as a snap

Stéphane Graber stgraber at
Tue Oct 11 23:20:21 UTC 2016


As of a few minutes ago, LXD is now available as a snap in the stable channel.
This has been confirmed to work on both Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10, provided
that snapd and snap-confine are perfectly up to date.

If you want to try it, pick a machine that you're NOT using LXD on and do:
 - apt remove --purge lxd lxd-client
 - groupadd --system lxd
 - snap install lxd
 - lxd init
 - lxd.lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 xenial

This will remove your existing LXD to prevent any confusion between the
snap and packaged version, will ensure that you have a "lxd" group on
your system and then install LXD. Note that the daemon can take a little
while to startup on first installation, so you may have to retry the
"lxd init" step.

And that's it, you've got LXD running with your first container!

The default values in lxd init will get you a ZFS backed storage and a
working network for your containers.

Our channel setup looks something like:
 - stable (manual, latest release)
 - candidate (semi-automatic, staging area for stable)
 - beta (manual, unused currently)
 - edge (automatic, auto-upload when git master changes)

Note that edge can be updated up to 5-6 times a day (as it was today).

Known limitations (sorted by priority):
 - "lxd" group must exist ahead of time:
 - Updating the snap restarts all containers:
 - Can't provide the "lxc" command:
 - LXD always runs even when unused:
 - No powerpc build due to lack of snapcraft support:
 - Unable to build using a specific commit:
 - Ability to distribute multiple upstream series:

The LXD team will be working with the Snappy team to address the above limitations.
With those sorted, we'll be able to make the LXD snap the best way to experience LXD.

If you run into issues, please file bugs!
 - For LXD bugs:
 - For packaging bugs:
 - If unsure, file against LXD.


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