Looking to distribute a commercial package as a snap

Paul Miller stelefx at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 20:26:45 UTC 2016

I work on a popular visual effects package that's been around for 10+
years. Unfortunately we have had to target specific, older Linux
distributions to ensure maximum compatibility on various flavors of Linux,
but I'm hoping packaging as a snap will avoid all this. I'm building on
Kubuntu 16.04.

The application links with a custom set of Qt 5.7 libs and has a bunch of
resource files and plugins. It has a GUI binary but can also be run from
the command-line using a symlink that kicks in a command-line only
background renderer.

Will packaging as a snap be a good fit for distributing my application, and
are there any good examples out there that can maybe walk me through
setting it up?
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