jar in snap

Didier Roche didrocks at ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 15 14:29:02 UTC 2016

Le 15/06/2016 09:35, Alekseenko Vasilii a écrit :
> Sorry for my english. Please help me. I have a working Java
> application (*.jar). How do I pack it in the snap?
> I have
> snapcraft.yaml


Thanks for looking into snapcraft! I'm not an expert on the jdk plugin
myself, (I CCed Sergio who knows more than I about it).
I'm a little bit puzzled about the command you are trying.

Do you have the content (a github repo or a list of files if closed
source) of LT-3.4-SNAPSHOT/?
That will help us looking at it. Also, please attach your report.txt so
that we can see the list of files around.

> In snapcraft.yaml
> ----
> name: lt
> version: 3.4
> summary: LT
> description: LT
> confinement: strict
> architectures: [amd64, i386]
> apps:
>   lt:
>     command: java -jar lt.jar
>     plugs: [home]
> parts:
>   lt:
>     plugin: jdk
>     source: ./LT-3.4-SNAPSHOT
> ----
> But command
> unsquashfs -l *.snap > report.txt
> show me what snap contain only java without programm LT.

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