Snappy Playpen: very incomplete gimp-from-git snap
Andrew Keech
w.andrew.keech at
Mon Jun 6 23:05:48 UTC 2016
hey everyone,
I've got a few hours into a snap of development GIMP, which I have used
builds of for years from ppa:otto-kesselgulash/gimp-edge, and
successfully built myself in the past with the intention of contributing
to GEGL. Turns out that I'm likely still years away from having C skills
that would be up to the task. So, in attempting to contribute in other
ways I really want to get the momentum going for snappy. Pretty sure the
question had come up in one of the community Q&A's before, and mhall
said that it was too weird a project to just start on for the team.
Which is true, I fully expect this to soak up weeks worth of poking at
unless Thorsten Stettin/
some-other-Debian-or-Ubuntu-user-who-is-a-GIMP-developer steps up.
I've been using Ubuntu since 2014, watching the community Q&A's on
youtube; really love the community team and all you guys do, I believe
Ubuntu is entering a new era after years of unacknowledged hard work.
Thank you Mark! Thanks everyone else! Thanks so much for this github repo!
PS: not sure it's really complete enough for a merge request yet, so
here's a link to the repo
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