Docs for snapcraft

Alan Pope alan.pope at
Wed Jun 1 10:14:33 UTC 2016


On 1 June 2016 at 11:01, Reinhard Pointner <reinhard.pointner at> wrote:
> The main issue is the lack of "real" examples. Hello World examples don't
> cut it for real desktop apps (that crash with all kinds of weird UI
> framework issues when run in confined mode). More than documentation, more
> "real world" examples that show what is currently possible and what isn't,
> would be far more helpful.

I agree! So we (Community Team) made "snappy playpen[2]" [1] as a side
project to allow us to learn the ropes, push the boundaries of
snapcraft/snapd and provide some 'real' examples. The goal isn't for
*us* to upload all these snaps to the store, and we're not planning on
snappifying/snappying/snapcrafting (whatever the verb is) everything,
but it's more as a learning exercise. We can of course provide these
as patches to upstream projects so *they* can upload to the store.

There's a couple of simple ones like ffmpeg and moon-buggy, and some
more complex ones like Atom but as time goes on, and as we fix them,
we're adding more and more which should cover a bunch of use cases.
Thanks to didrocks we have CI testing the creation of each snap per
pull request. Working example contributions welcome.


Alan Pope
Community Manager

Canonical - Ubuntu Engineering and Services
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
alan.pope at

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