Problems with PREFIX when building a snap

Dietmar Winkler dietmar.winkler at
Thu Jul 28 13:52:01 UTC 2016


I'm currently trying to buld my first snap. With the help of the
#snappy irc channel I could finally create a snapp package but it
seems to be empty and non of the binary are actually contained.

Running `snapcraft` on

generates this structure:

Doing `sudo snapcraft install`  then gives

One thing that threw snapcraft earlier was the definition of
"IPEPREFIX" . But that is needed by the Makefile of the project.
Setting it to something that is writable by the user running snapcraft
was the only way to get it working. I've ended up using


(as mentioned in

but still don't know if this is the correct "installation" directory
as required by the Makefile.

The snap is supposed to just compile ipe just like described here:,%20Compiling,%20and%20Installing%20Ipe#debian-ubuntu-mint

which works without problems.

I'm a but at a loss of what it is I'm doing wrong. Also snapcraft is
not really reporting any problems or what is missing :-(

Anyone got an idea what is missing?


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