[ubuntu/saucy-proposed] dimbl 0.12-2 (Accepted)

Logan Rosen logatronico at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 01:40:27 UTC 2013

dimbl (0.12-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/control: remove obsolete DM-Upload-Allowed.
  * debian/control: change Build-Depends "libtimbl4-dev" in
    "libtimbl4-dev | libtimbl-dev": prepare for unversioned libtimbl-dev.
  * debian/control: add "libticcutils2-dev | libticcutils-dev" to
    Build-Depends: deal with "dimbl: FTBFS: Types.h:42:33: fatal error:
    ticcutils/StringOps.h: No such file or directory".  Thanks Lucas Nussbaum.
    (Closes: #707345)
  * debian/control: Uploaders: update my name.
  * debian/watch: improve, no longer match "*-latest.tar.gz".  Inspired by
    contribution from Bart Martens, thanks.
  * source/format: added.
  * debian/copyright: Point to the versions of the license this package
    references in its license statement, not to the versionless symlink.
    Thanks lintian.

Date: 2013-06-16 16:11:40.758293+00:00
Signed-By: Logan Rosen <logatronico at gmail.com>
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