[ubuntu/saucy-proposed] python-dns 2.3.6-2 (Accepted)

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Wed Aug 7 13:04:14 UTC 2013

python-dns (2.3.6-2) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Jakub Wilk ]
  * Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields.
  * Fix a typo in README.source.

  [ Scott Kitterman ]
  * Add debian/patches/pydns_timeout.patch to fix timeouts associated with
    only one of several available nameservers being unavailable
    (Closes: #718547):
    - Only raise timeout error after trying all available servers
    - Stop lookups once an answer is gotten
  * Bump compat to 8 and debhelper build-dep to 8.1 for build-arch/indep
  * Bump standards version to 3.9.4 without further change

Date: 2013-08-07 10:19:26.529139+00:00
Changed-By: Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at kitterman.com>
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