[ubuntu/saucy-proposed] zsh 5.0.2-3ubuntu1 (Accepted)
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
dmitrij.ledkov at ubuntu.com
Fri Aug 2 12:44:22 UTC 2013
zsh (5.0.2-3ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian, remaining changes - support cross-compiling:
- Adjust upstream autoconf cross-compile default fallbacks.
- Skip zcompile when cross-compiling.
- Add libelf-dev dependency.
zsh (5.0.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Upload to unstable again.
[ Axel Beckert ]
* [485652d2] Add dummy packages for transition from zsh-beta to zsh
- [099ce7e5] Remove all zsh-beta related conditionals from debian/rules
- [474dd5db] debian/rules: Replace "$(package)" with a hardcoded "zsh"
- [e020321f] Add symbolic link /bin/zsh-beta pointing to /bin/zsh5 for
backwards compatibility
- [128d9bcd] Remove zsh-beta alternatives and conffiles in
* debian/rules enhancements:
- [f16a3cd4] Use dh_auto_{configure,build,install,clean}
- [c0cb3e2a] No more ignore potential failing of "include", "rm -f" or
"make install.xyz"
+ [abe28723] Add build-dependency on dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.1~)
- [a9ee601d] Use DPKG_EXPORT_BUILDFLAGS instead of exporting flags
- [7a8da596] Remove manuall handling of DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt
- [b4bab288] Allow parallel builds
- [b95dddd8] Replace checkroot target with dh_testroot
- [b3343504] Use dh_installdocs --link-doc instead of dh_link for
* No-op debian/rules refactoring:
- [a046f7bf] Rename targets stamp-configure and stamp-configure-static
to dh_clean compatible names
- [b78d2e2e] Wrap long lines
- [4bc34d4c] Don't line-break sed expressions. Do line-break before
their file parameters
- [336b60ea] CONFIGFLAGS and STATICFLAGS: Only one flag per line
- [0b48d60a] Split long debug CONFIGFLAGS line
- [4fe45240] Consequently use "touch $@" to create stamp files
- [74416133] Indent dh_* parameters and other code for a more
readable, table-like debian/rules
- [8c5e7918] Drop no more necessary manual compression of info files
- [724593d0,843e72f6] Remove some blank lines and commented code
- [e79f64cc] Simplify target dependencies (drops no-op build-stamp target)
- [b607fe2e] Reduce some occurrences of multiple whitespaces into single
- [f1059538] Mention in debian/rules why /usr/share/doc/zsh-static is
no symlink
* [e4bf431f,76452cb3] zsh{,-dbg,-doc,-dev,-beta,-beta-doc}.postinst:
Create symlink to /usr/share/doc/zsh-common (Closes: #697808) Thanks
to Sebastian Ramacher <sramacher at debian.org>
* [76452cb3] Replace dependencies on zsh-common with versioned
dependencies. (Policy 12.3 + 12.7)
* [1ee01398] Add files generated before Makefile is generated to
* [6c668f5e] Bump dh compat to 9 for multiarch and additional debug
symbol features
- Enables compressed debugging symbols, saving > 50% space on disk
- Enables Build-IDs for debugging symbols
- Enables multiarch support, /usr/lib/zsh becomes e.g.
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/zsh on amd64
- [b6bf39bd] Don't compress zsh-dbg with xz anymore, due to no more
* [5ce8899a] No more install changelogs and copyright file into zsh-dbg.
zsh-dbg already has a symlink from /usr/share/doc/zsh-dbg to
* [673851ec] Move /usr/local/share/zsh/… prerm removal from zsh to
zsh-common (Closes: #698224)
* [45d5aff1] Compress zsh-static with xz, too
* [014da817] Remove some more redundant entries from debian/zsh-*.dirs
* [59b7118e] lintian-overrides: Also match architecture-containing
/usr/lib* paths
* [8416fa14,eca34308] Fix FTBFS with texinfo versions >= 5 by
- cherry-picking commits 67a4be36c6203c26c3912c07441f42e3965f0fa8 and
b174a0df054929efd7804922750c71adeb8e0b57 from upstream, and
- adding a build-dependency on "texlive-latex-recommended | texinfo
(<< 5~)". Thanks to Sebastian Ramacher <sramacher at debian.org>, too!
(Closes: #707483)
* [15b0943d] Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4
- [cb87cc19] Add Built-Using header to zsh-static, bump
build-dependency on dpkg-dev to >= 1.16.2~
[ Frank Terbeck ]
* [8f09d2b6] Make zle-line-init and -finish more robust against weird
option sets
* [d87b0050] Add sequence and bindings for BackSpace key
[ Richard Hartmann ]
* [590dcd96] Import watchfile by Bart Martens
zsh (5.0.2-2) experimental; urgency=low
* [37c73049] Convert package to debhelper
* [be35418d] Split off arch-independent files into zsh-common (Fixes
lintian warning arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share 9873kB 84%; closes:
#632514, #656898)
* [d4d59f27] Use xz compression for the bigger binary packages
- Add "Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.15.6~)" to the according packages
* [0033e9e8] Replace at2quilt with dh-autoreconf
* [a7986a4a] Don't ignore potential failures of the test suite
* Fixes the following lintian-warnings:
- [a0227ee9] debian-news-entry-has-unknown-version
- [6860acf8] package-file-is-executable
- [cd2dd67f] debian-rules-missing-recommended-target
- [cd2dd67f] package-would-benefit-from-build-arch-targets
* Fixes the following dpkg-gencontrol warnings:
- [d4e0e0af] unknown substitution variable ${shlibs:Depends}
* Override the following lintian warning due to false positives:
- [c2511a18] hardening-no-fortify-functions …/zleparameter.so
zsh (5.0.2-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release
zsh (5.0.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release
- Fixes yodl version detection (Closes: #686870)
* [28431aea] Fix lintian warning vcs-field-not-canonical
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 13:37:21 +0100
Changed-By: Dmitrijs Ledkovs <dmitrij.ledkov at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA256
Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 13:37:21 +0100
Source: zsh
Binary: zsh zsh-common zsh-doc zsh-static zsh-dev zsh-dbg zsh-beta zsh-beta-doc
Architecture: source
Version: 5.0.2-3ubuntu1
Distribution: saucy
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Dmitrijs Ledkovs <dmitrij.ledkov at ubuntu.com>
zsh - shell with lots of features
zsh-beta - transitional package to zsh
zsh-beta-doc - transitional package to zsh-doc
zsh-common - architecture independent files for Zsh
zsh-dbg - shell with lots of features (debugging symbols)
zsh-dev - shell with lots of features (development files)
zsh-doc - zsh documentation - info/HTML format
zsh-static - shell with lots of features (static link)
Closes: 632514 656898 686870 697808 698224 707483
zsh (5.0.2-3ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian, remaining changes - support cross-compiling:
- Adjust upstream autoconf cross-compile default fallbacks.
- Skip zcompile when cross-compiling.
- Add libelf-dev dependency.
zsh (5.0.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Upload to unstable again.
[ Axel Beckert ]
* [485652d2] Add dummy packages for transition from zsh-beta to zsh
- [099ce7e5] Remove all zsh-beta related conditionals from debian/rules
- [474dd5db] debian/rules: Replace "$(package)" with a hardcoded "zsh"
- [e020321f] Add symbolic link /bin/zsh-beta pointing to /bin/zsh5 for
backwards compatibility
- [128d9bcd] Remove zsh-beta alternatives and conffiles in
* debian/rules enhancements:
- [f16a3cd4] Use dh_auto_{configure,build,install,clean}
- [c0cb3e2a] No more ignore potential failing of "include", "rm -f" or
"make install.xyz"
+ [abe28723] Add build-dependency on dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.1~)
- [a9ee601d] Use DPKG_EXPORT_BUILDFLAGS instead of exporting flags
- [7a8da596] Remove manuall handling of DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt
- [b4bab288] Allow parallel builds
- [b95dddd8] Replace checkroot target with dh_testroot
- [b3343504] Use dh_installdocs --link-doc instead of dh_link for
* No-op debian/rules refactoring:
- [a046f7bf] Rename targets stamp-configure and stamp-configure-static
to dh_clean compatible names
- [b78d2e2e] Wrap long lines
- [4bc34d4c] Don't line-break sed expressions. Do line-break before
their file parameters
- [336b60ea] CONFIGFLAGS and STATICFLAGS: Only one flag per line
- [0b48d60a] Split long debug CONFIGFLAGS line
- [4fe45240] Consequently use "touch $@" to create stamp files
- [74416133] Indent dh_* parameters and other code for a more
readable, table-like debian/rules
- [8c5e7918] Drop no more necessary manual compression of info files
- [724593d0,843e72f6] Remove some blank lines and commented code
- [e79f64cc] Simplify target dependencies (drops no-op build-stamp target)
- [b607fe2e] Reduce some occurrences of multiple whitespaces into single
- [f1059538] Mention in debian/rules why /usr/share/doc/zsh-static is
no symlink
* [e4bf431f,76452cb3] zsh{,-dbg,-doc,-dev,-beta,-beta-doc}.postinst:
Create symlink to /usr/share/doc/zsh-common (Closes: #697808) Thanks
to Sebastian Ramacher <sramacher at debian.org>
* [76452cb3] Replace dependencies on zsh-common with versioned
dependencies. (Policy 12.3 + 12.7)
* [1ee01398] Add files generated before Makefile is generated to
* [6c668f5e] Bump dh compat to 9 for multiarch and additional debug
symbol features
- Enables compressed debugging symbols, saving > 50% space on disk
- Enables Build-IDs for debugging symbols
- Enables multiarch support, /usr/lib/zsh becomes e.g.
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/zsh on amd64
- [b6bf39bd] Don't compress zsh-dbg with xz anymore, due to no more
* [5ce8899a] No more install changelogs and copyright file into zsh-dbg.
zsh-dbg already has a symlink from /usr/share/doc/zsh-dbg to
* [673851ec] Move /usr/local/share/zsh/… prerm removal from zsh to
zsh-common (Closes: #698224)
* [45d5aff1] Compress zsh-static with xz, too
* [014da817] Remove some more redundant entries from debian/zsh-*.dirs
* [59b7118e] lintian-overrides: Also match architecture-containing
/usr/lib* paths
* [8416fa14,eca34308] Fix FTBFS with texinfo versions >= 5 by
- cherry-picking commits 67a4be36c6203c26c3912c07441f42e3965f0fa8 and
b174a0df054929efd7804922750c71adeb8e0b57 from upstream, and
- adding a build-dependency on "texlive-latex-recommended | texinfo
(<< 5~)". Thanks to Sebastian Ramacher <sramacher at debian.org>, too!
(Closes: #707483)
* [15b0943d] Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4
- [cb87cc19] Add Built-Using header to zsh-static, bump
build-dependency on dpkg-dev to >= 1.16.2~
[ Frank Terbeck ]
* [8f09d2b6] Make zle-line-init and -finish more robust against weird
option sets
* [d87b0050] Add sequence and bindings for BackSpace key
[ Richard Hartmann ]
* [590dcd96] Import watchfile by Bart Martens
zsh (5.0.2-2) experimental; urgency=low
* [37c73049] Convert package to debhelper
* [be35418d] Split off arch-independent files into zsh-common (Fixes
lintian warning arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share 9873kB 84%; closes:
#632514, #656898)
* [d4d59f27] Use xz compression for the bigger binary packages
- Add "Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.15.6~)" to the according packages
* [0033e9e8] Replace at2quilt with dh-autoreconf
* [a7986a4a] Don't ignore potential failures of the test suite
* Fixes the following lintian-warnings:
- [a0227ee9] debian-news-entry-has-unknown-version
- [6860acf8] package-file-is-executable
- [cd2dd67f] debian-rules-missing-recommended-target
- [cd2dd67f] package-would-benefit-from-build-arch-targets
* Fixes the following dpkg-gencontrol warnings:
- [d4e0e0af] unknown substitution variable ${shlibs:Depends}
* Override the following lintian warning due to false positives:
- [c2511a18] hardening-no-fortify-functions …/zleparameter.so
zsh (5.0.2-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release
zsh (5.0.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release
- Fixes yodl version detection (Closes: #686870)
* [28431aea] Fix lintian warning vcs-field-not-canonical
1fe0c7c89a64dca604b9cdad762223cf9e42f6a5 2653 zsh_5.0.2-3ubuntu1.dsc
e99c4bc074890f5c4615c5188607034ce0f2ecd7 2369509 zsh_5.0.2.orig.tar.bz2
46b06cceeba1bfd42c2c2988e1be06728b78ab6b 71808 zsh_5.0.2-3ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
9ab6f9026416bd07ed363c6185526ea9b5f5373b8eb1d85d08fbaf5b3555da78 2653 zsh_5.0.2-3ubuntu1.dsc
e2926d3bb549325b892bab5e28d7f79dbf469ffdc438644262c4261ae0d79683 2369509 zsh_5.0.2.orig.tar.bz2
1723c6f26f0febb3e960795c0bdca61afacb3a33846bc57a65a317dd387b438d 71808 zsh_5.0.2-3ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
6b73d268c34f3a10525eec78fde3d8e6 2653 shells optional zsh_5.0.2-3ubuntu1.dsc
d5faaea2cf927fb46f9e10e9117f5841 2369509 shells optional zsh_5.0.2.orig.tar.bz2
1e8e77a9abe9f51251bee50b392da479 71808 shells optional zsh_5.0.2-3ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
Original-Maintainer: Debian Zsh Maintainers <pkg-zsh-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
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