Import problem - Kurdish (ku) - gaim in Ubuntu Edgy package "gaim"

Danilo Šegan danilo at
Wed Feb 28 10:00:14 GMT 2007

Hi Erdal,

Today at 2:36, Erdal Ronahi wrote:

> when trying to import a po file I got the message attached below.
> msgfmt could not find any problems with the file. The message said to
> "contact the SWAT team", but how is it contacted? Should I file a bug
> report? Is there a mailinglist? Do others have similar issues?

Look at the header of the message:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Rosetta SWAT Team <rosetta at>

So it's the address you already know about :)

Btw, if you've got problems such as this, it's better to file a
support ticked than a bug (we can turn it into a bug if it's indeed

However, make sure you check the file with 'msgfmt -cv' from at least
GNU gettext 0.15 (or newer).


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