#~ in po files

Ilya Petrov ilya.muromec at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 14:31:10 BST 2006

Saturday 09 September 2006 16:17, Danilo Šegan Ви написали:

> sure they won't reappear.  In gettext-parlance, they are called
> "obsolete".
Again: these strings are not obsolete. They are present in every kde-based 
app. Every kde-based have a menu items like "File", "Settings", "View". 
And it taking transaltion of them from kdelibs.mo.
 С наилучшими пожеланиями, Илья Петров
 ICQ: 336 947 772, Jabber: ilya.muromec at jabber.ru
 Registered Linux User #377 584
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